
Blenfest / How to make a robot costume

One more sleep until the opening ceremony of Blenfest, this year your supposed to dress up. theme: cool. which leaves it open for a lot of things eg. my dad once told me i was cool. anyway... i dont know what to dress up as, maybe this robot which i have made a diagram for. p.s it turns out what my dad actually said was "you might look cool if you had a moustache like mine" i was only nine at the time.


scaredofbabies said...

shit i didn't know you could rock facial-bangs like that. we should start a band or something.

do i really need a costume? because i'm really not that awesome.

also... you should put magically put that calming yellow post-it-note colour around all the posts. unless that is now your private blogging trademark.

Anonymous said...

can you please not use the tag moustache cast? i have the trademark. if you want to check you can google moustache. thanks.

Anonymous said...

hi, i own a fishing pole that is called the moustache caster, the guy who made it also does a weekly podcast, i was wondering if that was you 'Some guy with a stach said...'?

P Wolf said...

man, i wish i could get the kind of definition you are exhibiting, in the jaw region, damn.