
Our First Cease and Desist

We all knew that becomming a dot com meant we'd have to learn to run with the big dogs. Well today shit just got real:

Hi haveababyforyou,
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I wanted to let you know that I own the trademark for the word 'thoughtcast' -- feel free to check it out on uspto.gov. I noticed that you've used it a few times on haveababyforyou.com, so I'd appreciate it if you came up with another term in the future. By the way, that's quite a blog! Great graphics.
Thanks very much,
Jenny Attiyeh

I wont link to her site lest the massive bump in traffic is misinterpreted as a DDOS attack. I will say tht her show looks awesome, and I don't want to step to her. From now on thoughtcast will be renamed JennyCast, LegalBomb, Tradefarmer, or hopefully something much better.

Jesus died for this?

Update: The thoughtcast radio show is way too short. It's like FreshAir but with somewhere better to be.

Update 2: Best FF addon ever.


Anonymous said...

That bitch is ugly as shit: http://thoughtcast.org/ ... I'm glad she's casting her thoughts and not her likeness all over the place.

scaredofbabies said...

come on that's both uncalled for and not really true. all NPR affiliated women are hot.

P Wolf said...

whoa! nice wire related links, props.
propasition joes.

Jenny Attiyeh said...

Hey guys -- do you want to contribute an acronym for the global economic crisis -- aka GEC?? People are having fun with this.