
The Week That Was: Women Irritated and Disappointed #2

annoyed women2

Not bad... not bad.

Key factors:

Keeping office door closed.

Playing singstar. But not being a singstarhog.

Not using the term 'singstarhog' in real life.

Only holding opinions on matters that no-one could possibly care about. Like Colony Collapse.

Failing to keep appointments - turning up to things is not my friend.


Anonymous said...

Appointments such as Curry and Beers @ ones house perhaps?

Anonymous said...

i probably could have got in and out without really disappointing anyone too much. i was thinking more of church (we have one of those new fangled lady pastors, and she get's reeeeaaalllly depressed), job interviews, group sessions and this thing where i was meant to show this old woman down the street how many pushups i can do.

scaredofbabies said...

recent adjustments to my living situation tell me that this widget is going to be overclocked over the next few weeks.