
When Bees Can't Forget: Colony Collapse Disorder. I think I caused it.

You're probably all too aware of colony collapse disorder (CCD), the completely mysterious and impossible to explain bee ailment rocking the fruit and honey industries. What you probably don't know is the stuff I'm about to tell you.

I used to work as a groundskeeper at a cemetery - probably the largest one in the southern hemisphere. It was a hell of a time to be in the industry: people were all about dying, and those that weren't were all about tidy well trimmed lawns. Coffee arrived by the tinfull, the fax machine ran hot, and women had become briefly obsessed with guys that made minimum wage flicking stones and grass clippings at people's cars.

It was easy to let that whole scene go to your head. We overclocked our mowers, triple sugared our NesCafes, and my swagger became ridiculously fresh. So I guess, looking back, that I was due a fall. But how far?

We didn't call them colonies back then. This was a simpler time. Before science. We tended to call them 'hives'. The French guy on staff called them 'beequariums'. In any case they were just another mowable object standing between me and a sugary mug of instant.

To be continued.

Post has been edited because I forgot my new brother-in-law is a bee


P Wolf said...

powerful stuff lolcocks. the movie "the happening" touches on CCD, in an attempt to explain why trees are killing people. no shit, thats what the movies about. killer trees. this is imdb right?

Anonymous said...

i feel no need to comment on your baby blog bee fiction. i do however feel a need to comment on piles of delicious honey.

Anonymous said...

outsider art. take that.

Anonymous said...


scaredofbabies said...

that bee site seems to be down. probably got hit with the haveababyforyou bump. enough to take down anyone.

i mentioned google once on here and the whole internet turned off. also i mentioned winston peters at this Malaysian restaurant once and the fool got elected.

Anonymous said...

http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2243176... Found the bees.