
MusicWatch: New Tiki album profits to fund research into sex with self

Best spiteful photoshop ever.

Not just is he clearly New Zealand's greatest sound man, being able to put stuff 'through the echoes', and even EQ them. (Which is pretty clever and super original, especially when you're mixing for a band with 'dub' in the name.) But he's also a singer-songwriter powerhouse. We saw glimmers of this in his groundbreaking flows (rudeboy! yeah! ... don't give a care!) on various tracks for Salmonella and Concord Dawn (ahead of the curve A+R choice man). But it took him playing an acoustic guitar in a church dedicated to himself, Elvis style, for anyone to really get it through their thick skulls that this guy is a fucking musical genius.

So anyway, we're all clued in on the music genius thing now. But do you know about the research? Keeping one step ahead of the game, he has also been devoting considerable resources to biotech start-ups which he hopes will one day allow him to actually make out with himself, rather than whatever it is he thinks he's doing right now. Presumably this technology will involve cloning of some sort. I don't know. Ask a scientist.

Postcript: People who complain about the shitness of musicians who are plastered all over the TV are quite retarded. What? You're trying to prove to everyone that you're too edgy and real for commercial radio? Or MTV? Wow. Learn to music. But still... I can't help it.

Important Note: No amount of bitching about a crap NZ musician will top the time one of my fellow bloggers bought the artists CD, smashed it, scanned the debris, and sent them an email of it. Presuming it wasn't a lie, that sort of ended the game, especially since with CDs dead there's nothing left to smash.


Anonymous said...

whoa bro, that's cold. your lucky you're hiding behind the internet coz i would fuck you up!
tiki out.

Anonymous said...


Admin said...

To all our readers in Invercargill: fuck off.

Anonymous said...

I concur, the guy is a poster boy for SMS, I saw him once in real groovy, hanging out, by the records, loser.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanx for tha HOLLAs every1 keep it comin yo!Hey Jade im MCing for SOM @ the civic sat oct 18th.Its strickly DnB thou.But i wil play my music at SAMP sun 9th nov.Kate tha neck tats say FIRE+WATER.....

Anonymous said...

Wow!! How tragic are you hater...

Have a sad weekend : )


Anonymous said...

shut up pango. u suck

P Wolf said...

tiki quick fact: tiki is always writing new rhymes in his head, if he appears to not be listening to what your saying its cos he is writing a rhyme in his head

P Wolf said...

p.s that was no lie about the smashed cd. i do that sort of crazy shit EVERY day. its how i roll.

Anonymous said...

you think its cool to make fun when you dont even have any raps and would never tour with anyone

keep up with it! breakdown.

Anonymous said...

this tiki guy is such a laugh... what an ass!

P Wolf said...

tiki quick fact: tiki holds his own hand whenever in public, not his missus's

Anonymous said...

tiki quick fact: the lustful facial expressions and suggestive grins that can be seen on tiki's face in his new video 'Always on my mind' were attained using an innovative new filming technique: the camera was placed behind to way mirror so that tiki was in effect singing a love song to himself. Because after all, tiki, is always on tiki's mind.

Anonymous said...

tehehe tiki is sssooooooooo gay!!! with himself!! wadda homo