
MyDraws: FoodHandMan


Having so much food for hands really made this guy angry all the time. That's when it became just like a movie really and in the end he got away. The thing to always remember is to wash your hands and watch out for dirt and grime. Also if I had turkey or chicken on my arms it wouldn't last long!!! I'd eat it!!! Also this guy has a future adventure when he gets the gun that he thought his father had lost but actually he just hid it.


P Wolf said...

shit shading.

scaredofbabies said...

I was concentrating on the eyes and moustache area, at the expense of shading.

and yeah, reposting other people's stuff is what I do now. full time. it's called journalism.

Anonymous said...

were you drunk when you did this?

scaredofbabies said...

no, just seriously overtired. and possibly suffering from some sort of flashing neon psychosis.

Anonymous said...

It's good to see the beginnings of a dialogue about the nature of authorship, and copyright, in the internets age.

I am going to link to this brilliant post from my superblog. Good work. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

Can the chickens lay eggs??
I really enjoy eggs.