

P-Wolf here. Yeah, so I just got back from house/dog sitting, all ready to blog and what have you, and then...wham! Flu hits, in a big way. Sure there was sneezes, coughs, fevers, aches, but what got to me most was the delirium. From what I can piece together, I had a recurring dream in which I was responsible for the financing of what I think was a play. Some unnamed fat guy gave me me occasional advice, but mostly I was alone,confused and lost in New York City, unsure how to go ahead with this project I knew very little about. thinking about it is bringing up some shit for me, I'm gonna have to stop. Thanks for listening. If this post brought up any flu issues for you please don't hesitate to call me.


dr.roparty said...

this is probably the virus you got

dr.roparty said...

look at the guy on the screen, he must be really sick...

P Wolf said...

yeah thats what i had, i know cos i was screaming ALL the time, like that dude. plus my keyboard was smoking as well. thanks for the diagnosis

scaredofbabies said...

I'm more interested in this play. Will it be appearing at the boathouse theatre? They could use some fresh direction.

scaredofbabies said...

also @dr.roparty: that is a newspaper I'd actually consider buying.

dr.roparty said...

I just had a look at their site, they have some very interesting articles.