
The Game Is Over

With this one video this guy has basically done everything that I ever wanted to do with this blog. Where to from here? Nationalist slideshows?

Also as if ending the game for everyone wasn't enough, he then evolved beyond even himself by describing the plot of an SVU episode he saw once. Is this his final form? No.


Anonymous said...

those teeth can't be an accident

P Wolf said...

hes just a better person than all of us.

Anonymous said...

i like his non-annoying voice

Anonymous said...

i find myself sexually attracted to him... and i am a man.

scaredofbabies said...

Wow. Pointing out obvious flaws in our new king. Petty. Obvious.

You don't choose a regent. They choose you.

Anonymous said...

i second scaredofbabies.

this kids got talent.