
The Human Vessel of Life Experiences...Watch.


I've been doing some serious web research lately, trying to make sense of shit. you know,the real important shit, like mysticism and shakras and shit.

anyways turns out you can totally cook fish with your brainwaves.

what? you dont believe? then you obviously have a major attitude problem. you need to open your mind, you jerk.

Axiom - Alternative Chakra Explanation

convinced now? i thought so.

PEACE. keep smokin' !!!!!


Anonymous said...

I got a one minute and fifty seconds into this until I realised it was a new Tool video

Anonymous said...

star wars - sci fi? or sci fact?
oh and i also like the music in that video

Anonymous said...

notice how the guy cooking the fish is wearing a cape.

Anonymous said...

and he's also wearing power bracelets, he is now my new pep pep

Anonymous said...

yeah and also notice how he cooks with his mind.

Anonymous said...

yeah and also notice how he has chinese eyes

Anonymous said...

this blog is now about noticin' stuff