
LiveBlogging The Last Half of The GhostWhsiperer


9:47 Ok. Now what does this meddling minx do for money? Model shitty trench-coats? Carry cups of coffee around?

9:50 This crying girl COULD explain. But who wants to explain their compulsion to work the streets for free?

9:53 Woah is that the girl from Rosanne? (um, no. what are you talking about dick?)

9:55 POLICEZ! Do you think the ghost took their mum?

9:59 God damn this woman meddles relentlessly

10:01 She also devotes a lot of time to disparaging people's dead parents. Which is hardly a great way to win friends and influence people.

10:02 Mum found. CASE CLOSED. New Mystery Flowers.

10:03 Oh the mum is a ghost maybe. Have I mentioned how completely phoney all this woman's expressions are?

10:04 Woah the ghosts were actually the mum and not the dad. Maybe. But there's still 20 minutes to go.

10:05 This is actually sad and plausible shit. I'd feel ill using it as meat for my sci-fi ghost-banging shlock.

10:05 Oh goddamnit this is some complicated pointless shit. EVERYONE IS EVERYONE ELSES MOM AND THEY ARE ALL GHOSTS! WE GET IT!

10:07 She has the ghost sads. Who'd have thought BOTHERING THE FUCK OUT OF GRIEVING STRANGERS wouldn't bring you happiness?

10:11 All of these ads are horrible, cheap and completely fucking racist.

10:13 Apologies all round. This girl is pretending to like this guy. They kiss. I think she just said "DAFF DAFF" to him. I guess that can't be right. Maybe I should turn it up.

10:14 Now some other ghost is bothering the hell out of all these orphans. Rosanne girl is looking good. Like she got all done up for no reason what so ever.

10:15 HAHA DOORS CAN CLOSE SUDDENLY on their OWN. What about the house and stuff? It's all gone. House haunted. The little boy is getting scared... Rosanne is being sort of a bitch.

10:16 JLH hasn't shown her fake distant face for like ten minutes... and I'm actually starting to miss he- oh there she is. Talking to a ghost. "Is it 'SOMEONE'!?" (instead of 'something': lateral thinking).

10:17 Ads again. This show is so fucking boring. I'm going to just predict the end and log off. I think the SOMEONE who ghost mom is scared of is probably the real life Jennifer Love H. She is afraid the children will be forced to work in her 19th century 'facial mill' where JLH attempts to harvest and emulate the sincerity and expressions of human children.

10:28 Ok so I watched the end... feel disappointed, depressed and patronised. Insert joke along the lines of 'now you know how SHE felt'. Good night.


Anonymous said...

this blog is now about people who look like ghosts

Anonymous said...

THIS episode was a revelation

Anonymous said...

the mum was not just a ghost but the ghost

Anonymous said...

If you look really closely at her hips a ghost will visit you for like a week, and beat you at dominoes.