
The Week That Was: Fish


In the spirit of this post, here is a dinner I made. If you want something similar you'll need some fish. Flour/salt > egg > breadcrumbs >hot butter filled pan, and bam: you're at the top of the food chain.

As it happens I prefer to think of it as a 'food funnel', with me at the bottom. But whatever. The point is you're eating something that lives 500kms out to sea, soaked through with boiling fermented cream. I don't know if they have 'feelings' or not, but I sure hope they have sufficient sentience and intentionality to know how bad I'm owning them.

Anyway if you're being obvious you can throw some lemon on those. I stirred some Gin into the remaining pan butter, added 100g of salt, and used that as a sort of dip. Dinnercast Closed.


Anonymous said...

YUCK sounds gross. Are you fat? bet you are.

Anonymous said...

I'll be fat when you're dead. You cunt.

Anonymous said...

@ ha what?
NO U NO U NO U NO U NO U NO U etc etc

Anonymous said...

I like it when people use words like; fat, dead and cunt all in one go, it makes me laugh. Mainly cos I don't know all the big words that scaredofbabies use's. perhaps you could add a link to the dictionary on any word over 7-8 letters long.

Anonymous said...

how bout i add a link to your nuts, with my fist, you fucking sweedish cock.

Anonymous said...

scaredofbabies sounds way smarter than he actually is...

also he's really fat

Anonymous said...

Nuts, fist, fucking, cock... your hilarious anonymous!
I mean if your fat... you gotta be funny... right?

scaredofbabies said...

First off: Yall be chatting in a troll thread.

There's a lot of swearing and yelling going on. A lot of it which is breaking my feelings. First off... none of it so far has been me. Well a little of it was. Because some bitch called me fat.

Second you're all swearing my mum's eyes off with the 'cunt' here and death threat there. Man. Cool that shit off.

Third, the biggest words I ever use in a day are 'snoop', 'dogg', and 'Imamurderpolicegoddamnit'.

Also: I challenge anyone who thinks I'm not smart to a fucking bake-off. Oh wait... I see my future...

I won. And I didn't even wear an apron.

You're all horrible people/

Anonymous said...

i come to check up on the goss, and im hit with all this filth!

see ya later HAB4U, until you clean yourself up.

Anonymous said...

Your mum reads your blog? lulz

Anonymous said...

Also, you said first off twice... which makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

but scared of babies, you dis people all the time in your blogs even using visual props!! dont say that you can give it...but cant take it!!!

Anonymous said...

take it like a fat man eating fish

Anonymous said...

what's with all the anonymous posting? fucking pussies.

scaredofbabies said...

Man. Listen to all you people. Taking shots at me in the hope that your name can ring out on the internet. Well you're all setting sail for fail.

The belief that the ability to both give and take something has to be evenly distributed in one person is fucking ridiculous. Like hassling Belladonna for not giving dick. Or santa for not taking presents. Or some dude who really digs crab cakes for not giving away crab cakes.

Think on it. Get back to me when you're not embarrassing yourselves.

Anonymous said...

So much anger.... Soooo much anger.
Keep up the fine work HAB4U... it's riveting shit.

dr.roparty said...

oowee, theres alotta heat in this chatroom - hot enuff to cook this kake i made. someone sed somefink about a bake off?

P Wolf said...

you stumbled on the secret to getting a million comments, scaredofbabies. it was a post on fish. fucken marinade on that shit.

Anonymous said...

hahaha i started a war.

Anonymous said...

k wings? this ain't no chicken thread... get yourself some fish bitch!

Anonymous said...

this post needs some more comments