
Cyber Bully Protection

cyberBully[11]I now know the feelings of those distressed teens that have fallen victim to the scourge of the internet known as “cyber bullies”. I was recently alerted to an image of me tagged hurtfully and wrongfully on an internet socializing site (pictured below). These wounds may never heal?

And the thing that might shock you, dear fans, is that it was none other than our co-blogger “p-wolf



P Wolf said...

did i say that? i dont remember...sure it wasnt my missus? cos if i had have tagged that photo i would have come up with summin doper...eg shit-stains maloy

Anonymous said...

your missus aint tagging no photos

Anonymous said...

Who's the hottie on the right, I'd tappity tap that. I love the way his shades bring out the grey tones of his hoodie

Anonymous said...

he's really hurt p wolf...
He's taken off somewhere with a copy of this photo and a vivid..im scared he might draw on it.

P Wolf said...

well i dont even know how to tag a photo, but if you guys say i did it, i guess i must have done it.

@ k wings, hes prolly at the old light house, thats where he goes to write poetry/bait. i hope he comes home safe.