
Scott Watch: These Streets is Ice Cold.

This was dropped, probably during a police pursuit, by a REAL LIFE gangster.

I listened to it and gangsters only listen to 3 groups:

Bob Marley (natch)

Dr Dre. (you already knew that)

And some other band that is too underground for me to identify but they would totally get you hyped up to jack the Barksdale's stash house.


Anonymous said...

what about the D O DOUBLE GEE?

Anonymous said...

also who dashes their T like that

Anonymous said...

a REAL LIFE gangster. duh

Anonymous said...

real life g's spell it gangsta and
2. there's no guns anywhere on that cd

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Scott watch. Please keep up the good work..

P Wolf said...

yeah, i would have expected some snoop. and as for the "dashed T" i believe that is simply a "forgot they were writing in all caps" type mistake. heaps of dicks do that

Anonymous said...

Who has the Scott street low rises these days anyway?... do tell

P Wolf said...

i think the projects are controlled by a crew going by the name:the scrivz.
by projects i mean MBC and by scrivz i mean Mr Scrivner. he gets his package thru some cat called Rogers though.

Master Scoundrel said...

okay... Rawls is going to blow his nut when I tell the judge about this shit.