
Views From a Window

For readers concerned by this, well let it be known that, for now, I am living in a home. With a real stove and everything. This is my actually pretty decent view. If I ever slept, it would be to the sound of the ocean doing it's thing.

use for viewe.jpg

SeaCast Over.


Anonymous said...

fuckin city, even in summer it looks cold and dark.

not to shit on your 'home'.


scaredofbabies said...

Yeah that pic was taken at 8-9pm. It was a lovely warm day.

Anonymous said...

oh is that right. what's the average rainfall? excuse me, the jugs just boiled...

Anonymous said...

Oh this blog.... it's been a while, and although I am aware this is not a social networking site, are you gunna come to the bot gardens for some brews and toones, or will you be to busy with your slight offshore breeze and sounds of ocean lapping the shore?