
Work Life Ballance is Living in Your Office

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Office as home: the third-from-last moment in advanced-capitalist mereology; the inverted spatial fetish of the creative underclass, in which work is play, play is life. We all sleep in an office, tapping blindly into the .xls file of our own barely elaborated intentions, with weak and unconvincing truces drawn between evolved subsystem and perso-narrative boilerplate logged by the billable quarter-hour. But I'm actually living in an office. At least for the weekend. And despite it's awkward distance from bars or takeout it's a fucking pleasure.

Anyway while the situation I've found myself in is almost the exact opposite of what the recession is, it still tells me that the recession is great, and that it's deepening will only serve to make my relatively few waking daylight hours more intoxicatingly vivid. Wake me up when the only things you can buy are bindles and coffins.


P Wolf said...

oh, mereolgy, you mean The logic of the relationship of part to whole? yeah. wasnt that pioneered by umm,
Stanislaw Lesniewski, yeah..i mean, i think any way.

if im not mistaken he was Polish logician and mathematician. As a professor at the University of Warsaw (1919 – 39), he became a cofounder and leading representative of the Warsaw school of logic. His distinctive contribution was the construction of three interrelated formal boner systems, to which he gave the Greek-derived names of protothetic,assology, ontology, and mereology.

could be wrong though, could be.

Anonymous said...

I think he's saying that where work was a part of life, it has become the whole of life, for someone who lives in an office, and sleeps on that offices floor.

The world needs more of these warblogging philosopher poets.

scaredofbabies said...

that's totally what I meant, mysterious complimentary commenter.

Also for those who are interested, here are the three last 'moments' in order:

3) work as part of life changes to work as whole of life (ie. living in office)

2) life as cosubstantial with work changes to life as part of work (ie. todo list which is an actual ghost)

1) bacon begins to approach infinite streakiness (ie. a neighborhood of ∞ contains breakfast)

Anonymous said...

sorry to depart from the deep shit... but good forward thinking on removing the vasoline and tissues from desk prior to snapping that shot of your office/house

scaredofbabies said...

Vasoline? What am I spitting sand these days? Jesus.

Anonymous said...

moar cats