
Music Watch: MIDiKAt? Whats That?

here at HAB4U I'm always getting requests: "P Wolf ! P Wolf, my current midi controller is SO hard on my fingers, my fingers get sore" and "excuse me, Mr Wolf, I cant afford a decent midi controller coz my catfood bill is through the roof!"IMG_0595

Problems solved.

This baby is still in beta, and relatively buggy. Issues include cat-exhaustion (cathaustion), bite-back, mid afternoon naps, and some users are reporting Tabby chipset compatibility issues, but we are confident that with new firmware updates (chef casserole, ocean-fish patch) and some new drivers this will be market ready late '09.


cathaustion, sooo sweeepy!

finally for any developers who want onboard, here is our source code:IMG_0602

good luck improving on it though, its water tight.


Master Scoundrel said...

you need to add an IMU to that Cat... that's three accelerometers and three gyros for anyone who's interested.

P Wolf said...

yeah, thanks M.S, i just added one (via the KatButt port) and then tested it on the bowling game on my cousins wii.

Anonymous said...

i'm too tired to list all the ways this is going to make me rich becaiuse of how i can fire my band you guys dont get paid when i got cats

Anonymous said...

god that's awesome