
Scott Watch Special: Operation X-pansion

Shit im glad S.O.B managed to book some lab time. Here in the B we're just looking to get our clearance rate down and don't have no pull with the feds.

What we do have is pull on the street. That and a Freamon style bulletin board.IMG_0591

Here's what i think might have happened: Driven to the point of tears, due to the devastatingly catchy and accurate nickname "Ga-Fatly , Matthew Gellatly lost his shit. 10 years later he starts some bullshit cover crime wave in order to expand his own sisters exhaust.

I think i'm gonna be sick...

EDIT: at the time of writing, i thought wire references were still cool. Apparently they are not funny anymore.


Master Scoundrel said...
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Anonymous said...

Your Wire references could not have been better timed for me - I've just finished watching the first season and I'm all about the wire right now. You are cool and funny.

P Wolf said...

thanks b-Wash. As for this coment deleted buisness: whats the deal master scoundrel? you withdrawing support, like some sort of judge come city council election time?

Master Scoundrel said...

nah... I saw the post, commented, but then thought hey yo,this some kind of full tilt setup man, to catch a master blogger... so deleted comment.