
anti-Semitism rampant in Wellington apartment. Jesus unavailable for comment.

Having a fairly normal conversation with my flat-mate who is moving overseas next week. Discussing how a lot of the coverage of the Georgia-Russia thing is a bit off.

Anyway I guess this is why people shouldn't watch the news. Because the next thing he said was:

You know why though right? You know who owns all the news companies in America, all over the world. Jews. It's because the whole thing is owned by The Jews

I stood and smirked like an idiot, which is my response to most things people say, racist or otherwise. Also I wasn't sure exactly what was going on: I make several assertions like this a day and they're all completely hilarious. So either I'm failing at some sweet new sort of superirony or this guy is failing at not being a complete and total fuckwit.

An 'I'm serious' confirms that he is in fact serious. I come back with a totally courageous 'eh... yeah I don't... really know about... that...'. Conversation then continues as normal.

[Update: have researched topic in question and it turns out he's actually right. Not just the media. Also banks and some bakeries.]


P Wolf said...

you dont really see transitions like that in mainstream "zionist" news...shame

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahaha... you've all been jewed! Happy mutha fucken hoonaka.

scaredofbabies said...

is it even a slur to say that some ethnic group owns the media and puts it to nefarious purposes? in a way that's the definition of awesome.

although... belonging to a group that pretty much does own all of the media... well it doesn't seem to stop my constant fail.

anyway if jewish people own the tvs, who owns the internets? I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest the roma do.

dirty DNS hoarding packet-shaping meta-tagging roma. I'm watching you guys.

scaredofbabies said...

if anyone tried the link for superirony in this post, but couldn't be bothered reading it, well you missed out on the following scoop:

Jewish people are also responsible for Bee Colony Collapse Disorder.

I mean fuck... if you're just making stuff up then why not pick something I could actually get mad about.

I'd have said they were responsible for that thing where brand new milk smells just slightly off even through its probably fine... and you just have to harden up and use it anyway.

dr.roparty said...

yeah i hate that shit... the thing about the milk, i tend to buy milk in a carton because it doesn't have that 'smelling off' quality. looks like they didn't get their hands on the cardboard milk companies.

they're also the one's who got the book out from the library which you were trying to get out, and then takes months to return back, so you end up buying it from a book store which they own.

Anonymous said...

you saying cartons don't have the off smell? that makes me want to drink from cartons yo! where they at?