
New Look?

I know it's late, but i'm finally near finnishing a new look for the site, just a few minor details that need changing. And if there's any details you want to change, let us know. Remember to vote if you want it on, and remember - have a baby for you!


dr.roparty said...

also, could have links to our youtube sites on the left navigation bar, or linx to other places? (morgan's bebo band page) lol ._.

scaredofbabies said...

I was hoping to see every post wrapped in a banana leaf?

P Wolf said...

yeah thai food style, i like where you going lolcocks. but seriously morc, it looks tight, are you some sort of web wyzzardd?

Admin said...

why isn't the baby yelling anymore though? speech bubble alignment is the corner stone of web2.0 useography.

scaredofbabies said...

are you going to put this up?

you should but maybe with the sidebar on the right for awesome people who squish their monitor up small because they multi-task so hard-out.

also two thoughts for the future:

1.massive epilepsy-triggering colour bombs.

2. something in the sidebar that is awesome. those links are pointless and anything could be in there. like floating baby heads. or bees.

3. bees.