
Comments of the Now

Two girls dancing around on youtube like complete geniuses.


trophycollector (1 day ago)
I had a nightmare that I could not find any sexy naked women here and it came true!

numbersmanpro (3 days ago)
Left chick....

freakness23 (4 days ago)
i love the left one - she is very hot... will you fuck me, chick?

BassRockProductions (4 days ago)
I BET this video was just made to get guys horny so the girls could get guys in their area and get laid I SAY AGAIN


trophycollector clearly has more important shit to be doing. I wish him well.

The 'left chick' is getting some good reviews. Well, one good review, a ..., and a question. freakness23 gets to the heart of the matter. That's how he do. Extra points for the comma before 'chick'. Specifying 'chick' at all seems unecessary. My best bet is that after writing 'will you fuck me' the thought occured to him that future historians might think he was asking one of his fellow commentors.

BassRockProductions seems to have cracked some sort of daVinci Code. He also seems a little confused as to the relationship between internet video and eighteen y/o girls getting laid. Finally he changes the game by putting his key findings inside parentheses.

Good job all round.


P Wolf said...

i would buy a book of trophy collectors poetry. his post is a poem

scaredofbabies said...

A ghost for Eyes.
by trophycollector

nightmares become reality,
i have a feeling it is so.
these women are not sexy,
these women can not be naked.

my time is a waste.
weedwacker sunday broken links leave my mind to wander.

why did i think,
i would see sexy naked girls?
this did not happen.
there were none to see.

My eyes are ghosts.

Anonymous said...

powerful shit.