
S.M.B.I #3 The Packet Sniffer.

Packet sniffing obviously existed before the advent of wi-fi and the Internet. Any idiot knows that. The fact that bath tubs were not invented didn't make water impossible to touch, did it. Using this logic scholars theorised the existence of a medieval version of today's packet sniffer, dubbed by some as, "the packet pointer". This name was preferred because the lack of any real GUI in the 1300s meant that the only useful information that could be sniffed was the direction and speed a packet was travelling.


Anonymous said...

i read somewhere that it's easier to detect a packet in warmer climates. do you know where this phenom first occured? i suppose a warmer country, although summers in russia get pretty hot too.

scaredofbabies said...

oh yeah btw this is quite awesome. can you draw missiles and tanks?

scaredofbabies said...

because i have a sweet movie i'm working on, and i guess the script would seem a lot longer if it had some pictures of rockets hitting tanks in it.