

China: According to a TV I saw once you're the worst thing evar. Please stop whatever it is you're doing.

Job Applications: Can you claim to be 'a fast learner' when you're also admitting to six years of uni?

People who know the names of bands: What? I'm better than you. Go buy a compact disc.

Update: Most pointless webservice ever. I need an invite.


Anonymous said...

hey i know the names of bands. like Wonderflair. And Fairground Express. Also Express Regards. And The Regarders. Whole Haxaloy and the SpeakEasy Fledgling Band?

Anonymous said...

you left out other band names that i know you know: whyteforce, minus one clone, steely donivin diesal, dreamtheatre.

Anonymous said...

um helo: FaceEagle. they're only the fastest band ever. AND have the smallest carbon footprint.