
The UP and UP

Quick update here on the business side of things. haveababyforyou dot com are in discussions re: significant seed capital. This will enable a full expansion of the site, the development of the HAB4U store, and an updated API allowing for our mobile app development community to do what they do (I fucking love those guys).

1:15:23 PM HAB4U: the whole thing is currently a white media space. there'll be a game changing post over the next few weeks which will define a flow for going forward

1:15:34 PM HAB4U: going forward in a BIG way

1:15:46 PM D. T: awesome

1:15:59 PM HAB4U: Sooo.... Seed capital?

1:16:23 PM D. T: Seed capital? You want me to donate sperm?

1:17:16 PM HAB4U: i was thinking... i don't know... server space, a coder, admin staff, some ad slots. lots of ad time i guess. also a small media team. It's all about community growth and brand development at this stage.

1:18:21 PM D. T: man, I'm only aloud to eat 2.3 packets of two minute noodles a day in order to maintain my current weight

Get ready people. We're on the grow.

[Update] Pending lawsuits: here and here.

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