
17 Year Cicadas. 8 or 9 Years till Vindication.

For thousands of years people have been claiming that I'm some sort of liar or idiot because one time I saw over 20,000+ cicadas on the way back from Picton one time. But now the things I say will be proven true in about 8 or 9 years I think. The video below shows you a really really way weaker version of the thing I saw... weak as hell. The thing I saw was probably 1000 times better and in real life.

The map shows you roughly where the cicada swarm will return, some time in 2016/2017. [Update: see some fact checking loser's comments after the jump] If you want to claim that I didn't see over 20,000+ cicadas freaking out then you have to be willing to watch that space at the right time. I think it was in winter. Probably June/July 2000. So you do the math. The takeaway from all this: My brush with cicada death was not just obviously real but pretty rare and awesome. Everyone else should just grow up.

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Anonymous said...

i think this was a bible story? but it happened in, like, the lavant and it was ages ago, probably before you were born.

Anonymous said...

Most species of New Zealand's Cicada have a shorter duration of thier nymph stage, most commonly 5 or 7 years. Compared to thier offshore bretheren in the America's of sometimes up toseventeen years.

Anonymous said...

As the guitarist of the world's premier 80s rock metal band, Black Widow, I can attest to the validity of these grandiose claims of circadian ferociousness. I was driving. I challenge all those who dissent to a challenge of strength and agility where I will crush the nay-sayers in a torrent of blood, sweat and tears.

P Wolf said...

ohhh. its in a blog, it must be true.

scaredofbabies said...

@keen entomologist:


Anonymous said...

What I'm saying is your nostradameus date of the cicada raids should have been last year or this year.

Anonymous said...

or none times

scaredofbabies said...

@ keen_entomologist

yeah I understand. does it make you feel big to correct people's posts?

Anonymous said...

Nah you're alright, i hate bugs. I only saw it once (the thing about 5 -7 years) on the internets somewhere - it could still happen.

Anonymous said...

your full of shit... cicadas are actually baby shells and they cant even fly let alone swarm!!
This is the lie of the century...

Anonymous said...

robbomc is cruising for a brusing... or should i say... cruzin fo a bruzin