
Dispatches From The Mind Wars


This just in from... Korea why not. Seems the authorities weren't willing to admit to the wyzzard in their midst, hence the pixillation. (Unfortunately no one there got the memo about pixels being totally last year). The blacked out wyzzard-shame was my doing. Anyway I think it's pretty clear that he's back for our souls. I'm working on a google-earth layer to keep track of his mystical movements. Oh yeah, and he's dead apparently, so this must be also a ghost of sorts, which is the sort of added value that I'm all about.

As a ghost, his spell-set seems to be limited to "awkward follow up question", something involving 'orbs', and corrupting the data on playstation 1 memory cards. This makes him mostly harmless, in much the same way that a baby seal is mostly harmless - they're not a problem until you wake up naked in the bath with three of them and they're all pissed off because there's soap in their eyes. Watch out is all I'm saying.


Anonymous said...

shit, that orb article made me think. i find it real spooky how orbs are only captured at night, or other times when a flash is used. i'm going through all my photo's tonight, to find the orbed out ones, then send them to a ghost expert to see if my camera is haunted.

Anonymous said...

i accidentally ate a orb and mum got angry : (

Anonymous said...

it doesnt have to be night time to see an orb!!!i see them all tha time during the day.....

uze babiez need to go back to school!

....forget abowt yer camera being haunted how abowt a brain transplant??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ ghostbusters101
