
Eye Trauma- the reality

yeah so a couple of months ago I got hit with a piece of cardboard in my eye a wizard cast a spell that gave me  the ability to shoot flowers out of my eye. Then a unicorn spoke to me. It was was the happiest day of my life.

P.S hope this post dont give you babies nightmares


Anonymous said...

fuck what's your problem get that disgusting shit out of my screen

P Wolf said...

my mom/therapist said i should blog about it.

Anonymous said...

Martha Stuart!! That bitch gives me the creeps.
I say bring back the eye.

Anonymous said...

aaa wot put the eye back man. shit was GROSS!

Anonymous said...

oh man! i think i've missed out on some gorey eye fotos. can someone send it to my postal address? or just repost.

Anonymous said...

I fail to understand relevance of peace train.

Anonymous said...

"Man up" anonymous. Grow some hair on those balls. Were you breast fed until the tender age of seven?Dear old mum hasn't cut the umbilical cord yet?

P Wolf said...

@ some muslim, i just thought that the babies that were scared of the eye needed some soothing hippie music.

Anonymous said...

true, true... either that or bombs strapped to 'em

Admin said...

The imeem imbed was crashing firefox and giving webkit nightmares. So I had to kill it.

P Wolf said...

man i dont care, cat stevens is a tiki taane anyway