
Reviews: Mother FakeCrate (1986)


Continuing on with the whole banned VHS theme, we have Mother FakeCrate (1986). The basic story is that it's the future (around now I guess), and there aren't any young people who want to work because they're all really busy "springloading". That's like drugs but it's done with a big spike into the chin and computers. I think it's a little bit like watching DVDs. Anyway at the docks there's no one to load crates on to the boats. So the lady who runs the docks decides to get a team of old men to help. Anyway the old men are lazy and ethnic, and she quickly tires of them and their lame tales of the old country. One of them gets his face buffed off on one of those motorised workshop sharpeners. Another tries to swim to safety and gets sucked into the fan of a hydrofoil (what? it's the future).

This was also called 'The Older You Work' in the US. It's an easy 3/5, but to be honest I don't really care. As long as P-mans disgusting eye awesome eye, what, put it back, I'm not bothered, is no longer the leader is everywhere I look, everywhere, for ever.


Anonymous said...

does this film have any zombies in it? if not any impalings? don't think qualifies as video nasty if your answer to both questions is no.

scaredofbabies said...

it's a video nasty because the women in charge raped and murdered a bunch of old men - a crime driven by laziness, racism, and a love of cruelty.

scaredofbabies said...

also they put a bunch of bats in a freezer.