
Lore from the Lav

This is a collection of some funny graffiti from toilets. My main sources are here and here if any further reading is required.

Shaggy: Veronica Hall, Alvernia College Reading, Pennsylvania. On the ceiling above the toilet seat.
Your shit must feel real good if your looking up here.

Here I sit and contemplate, do I shit or masturbate.

Chuck: Polaris Mall Port-a-john during construction
OSHA regulation 42-2 : All turds over 6 inches must be hand lowered.
Safety is always an issue on large construction sites.

TimAy: at the very bottom of the door infront of the jacks written in very small writing:
"you are now shíting at 30 degrees"

Zack:I see you taking that shit! Now put it back.

Tree: Burlington Bertie's Pub Edinburgh On condom machine.
Insert Baby for Refund

Fuzzy: Restaurant toilet in Kansas City,
Here's where Napoleon beat his bonapart

Evan: a bar on 5th Street New York
I've fucked so many girls with a limp dick I could row a boat with a rope.

CP: Men's restroom, Cantebury, Seattle Washington,
-I fucked your mom.
-Go home Dad, you're drunk.


P Wolf said...
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P Wolf said...

this is a mature post. i like the receive bacon picture. owww!

Anonymous said...

its been shopped. i can tell by the pixels and ive seen a few shops in my time