


Service-Station Security: Why don't we just call it a day and institute some sort of late night snack glory-hole system. Maybe a concrete bunker where you feed crumpled bills into a hose and then random food and drink is delivered to your house a year or two later. Cowards.

Data Backups: Selling a permanent marker that wont write on CDs. Well played sir.

Peanut Shortage: I knew this was coming. You could tell by the sudden drop in organ-grinder based street entertainments. Certainly raises the stakes in the west's dealings with the 'satay-kingdom' - you know who I'm talking about. Haven't felt the pinch yet? Just you wait.


Mr.E said...

Bed ridden nigh on 3 days now and you manage to irritate and disappoint me.

key factor - get some kind of life so that i can read about it


Anonymous said...


scaredofbabies said...

been busy. linux. linux sucks. ps you aren't sick. you are faking to get attention from your flatmates.

Mr.E said...

low blow man. low blow.

Anonymous said...

I bet you could fit three or four babies in that thing.