
BRB Bitches: Catching Ghosts


You should note three things about this photo. The first is that it is not released onto the internet under a 'incorporate and edit as you wish' CC license. Because that would be retarded. If you did that, well, you could expect your precious memories to be used as illustrations for some drunken degenerate's imaginary movie reviews. The second is that it's me and I look ready to throw down in a big way. The third is WOAH FUCK CHECK OUT THAT AWESOME GHOST BUSTERS SETUP WTF SERIOUSLY GTFO THAT IS FUCKING BOSS.


Anonymous said...

phuck, that ghost holding bag is bitching

Anonymous said...

this guy just walked past and was like "damn girl, that kid is smokin' hot shizz nizz"

Anonymous said...

holy shit i think I'm single 'cause my gf now wants to bury that guy

scaredofbabies said...


bury? That sounds like the sort of stupid shit I'd say. I don't believe you have a gf.

scaredofbabies said...


it's called a proton pack. learn to ghostbust.

P Wolf said...

that cunt is NOT to be flexed with.

Anonymous said...

it's called a bumful of babies actually

Anonymous said...

can we please get a tutorial on how to make a ghost busting kit? cardboard mock-ups and a straight to the point youtube video perhaps?

scaredofbabies said...

The ghost catching trap is made from lego. The proton pack is a box with toilet rolls sticking out of it. The goggles were custom made and imported. Exactly where you find child sized camo overalls I don't know. Eastern Europe?

Obviously there was also a totally awesome gun for zapping the ghosts and generally pushing them into place above the trap. It's not in the frame but I assume it involved a glad-wrap tube and some other boxes.

Anonymous said...

oh goggles. they were way cooler when i thought it was a cow bell around your neck

dr.roparty said...

that's a real tough look you're giving the camera too.

Anonymous said...

I want a date with this guy.

scaredofbabies said...


Well he wants to see you burn in hell. Seriously. Get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous said...

ANGER. its a ugly side of any man.

Anonymous said...

an ugly you dumb shit