
Christmas 1987


This is kid-me rocking a walky-talky (walky talky? WTF) two way radio, circa Christmas 1987. Good times. The Herbs' 'Sensitive To A Smile' was album of the year. We saw the introduction of Prozac, Street Fighter and Perl. The English started building a tunnel to France after someone's hot older sister dared them to while they were all pissed (which is always).

Also Linda Wong died. She was in Babyface (not that one, the 1977 one). That movie later taught me pretty much everything I know about life. (cops can smash through walls... jump in the sea if you are in trouble... be wary of castration).

Seriously though a lot of really bad shit happened in 1987 - the stockmarket died, 9000+ planes crashed, and the middle east was being extra middle-easty. Also there were quite a few random massacres by crazy people. So yeah... keep that in mind next time someone says anything about anything.

Coming soon: A real post.


dr.roparty said...

are you sure that's 87 you look massive. were you getting fed growth hormones in with your mashed vegetables?

P Wolf said...

good year. i think corporal punishmet was on the way out then too cos on my first day of school the teach showed us a stick with a nail in it and said she could whack us with it, and then a few months later she fucked up about it. bitch.
mrs parker.