
Party Campaigning

We are not registered as a party... yet. But according to this website we need only 500 people minimum to join our party to be in for the running. I have done some campaigning (pictures below) just in case we came up with the numbers before the elections. If these guys can, we might be able to? I just want faster internet so, according to Alan Freeth, I can download porn faster and steal music and video faster.
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Also did you know the Residents Action Movement has a policy of giving a "$2,000 'baby bonus' to every mum"?

That's just BEGGING for baby farming.

P Wolf said...

whoa! alan freeth is a cock, thanks for pointing that out, also can i be minister of agriculture? even though i hate cows?

Anonymous said...

thats my bike

Anonymous said...

You guys have obviously photoshopped that billboard, I drove past there today. Get a real job!

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with that Freeth guy... is there something else you can use the internets for... I kind of feel like I might be missing out on something (besides sex irl)

Anonymous said...

anonymous(two up): obviously someone took it down because they can't handle our futuristic views.