
Judith Tizard to Pirates: I Suck.

Speaking of politics, what the fuck? For all I know this has been all over the local papers and TVs (I've been busy watching the US... they have this show on now about a zillion year old man and his thick jailbait daughter. Also some Muslim dude is about to get a job? Anyway...).

Frankly I wouldn't read a New Zealand newspaper if one floated into my bed on Sunday morning, and for some reason the only way to get bacon into my mouth was to glance at it. That's not the point though. The point is that Judith Tizard wants to shut off everyone's internet forever because the poor geniuses that green-lighted Sione’s Wedding caught channel-conflict and died. Also some artists had to get mortgages on their homes or something.

To the artists: Harden the fuck up. You may have to supplement those taxpayer subsidies and grants by doing something slightly more creative than pawning your shit off to moronic publishers and distributors who then drip feed it out to the public in ways they clearly no longer value.

Also since when was the creative life a stable middle-class "I own a house outright, imagine the drama if I had to borrow against it" sort of profession? [ED: well... kind of since forever, but your point that they're a bunch of babies still stands] Where's the heart?

Tizard and company: You're the worst people ever. This obvious BS was addressed NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM select committee NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM 'big content' NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM learn to internet NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM etc.

Artist's rendition of Tizard explaining to one of my daughters why she can no longer see her online boyfriend:

[ED: I have to suspect that this absurd cosiness between the Labour cabinet and lazy chump content distributors is related to the completely batshit insane idea that the movie and music industries are somehow important to the New Zealand economy, in a meaningful or long term way - an idea pedalled by politicos in a sad attempt to get in with the cool kids finally. I don't know... maybe non-dying businesses throw lousy parties? Anyway if our associate commerce minister and cabinet want to fret about the economy and intellectual property law then how about allowing us a credible biotech sector? Also: NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM]


Anonymous said...

man, what a slut. i would like to see some figures of movies made in nz before fast internets and movies made after, and see how different the prophet margins are... my bet, more prophets after.

and if they are only accusing on nz material i should be sweet because it's not worth downloading 99% of it anyway, even if you can find it.

if the hab4u party was voted into parliament, this law would be kicked the fuck out, and reversed - to accuse members of being sluts.

Anonymous said...

according to mello clello (comment#13 on boingboing.net):

"For what it's worth, my mum's dealt with Judith Tizard before and can honestly verify that she's completely batshit insane."

i bet his mum is hot

scaredofbabies said...

@ mello clello

His mum is definitely hot. But unfortunately this isn't about mello clello's hot mum.

P Wolf said...

how the fuck are they gonna ban me from the internets? ill just log on really late at night, or wear a cape when i go to an internet cafe.

nahh im not even stressin, its so retarded to not even register on my fuss'o'meter.