
S.M.B.I # 28 TK Samuels.

This guy is such a dick, I mean he's no Tiki, but I read somewhere that he walks around topless on the set of Shortland St, to show off his guns (not a lie).

His Aunty designed the tats on his arms, she owns Ink Spotz in Taupo.

EDIT: I accidentally put two images of t.k, then I realised it was a banging mistake so I left it. I think it really accentuates his cockishness


scaredofbabies said...

so are we a full time troll site now? because if so, that's awesome. Coming soon: Edmund Hillary.

dr.roparty said...

it crax me up how him and his wife on the show have the same haircut, and he sux at angry acting.

Anonymous said...

ace story arch:

T K receives double pectomony due to boob tumors.

Tiki chokes to death during auto-felatio.


hilarity ensues.

Anonymous said...

ace story arch: wanky as. Possibly as wanky as T K. Thanks.

Admin said...

Hey retard: you mean story arc.

Anonymous said...


yes, sorry, disregard that, I suck cocks.

I guess I let my hatred of tiki over power my commenting discretion, I should probably be banned for life.