
gimme back my blood.


Anonymous said...

P Wolf you steal my heart with every post. spawn with me

Admin said...

anyone else finding that every google bit of the internet is being slow and hanging a lot and is a mysoginisht?

P Wolf said...

@half of mobb deep: i get that sort of request all the time irl, and ill tell you what i tell everyone else: spawning usually involves a fish sperming on another fishes eggs that the later fish laid in a nest of rocks. soooo...im totally down.

P Wolf said...

god damn it. i wrote your insted of you're and cant be fucked changing it

Anonymous said...

yeah I was going to point that out, but didn't have the heart

P Wolf said...

point what out man? FIXED. see if you can spot it.

Anonymous said...

inspiring... I forgive you for implying that my mother has balls