
POSTS POSTS POSTS, or a new dawn?


With a new year upon us it's time for questions about blogs, namely this one. There have been a bunch of angry rumblings about there never being enough posts. Why are there not more? One reason is because they are hard to do because some of us write long sentences and it's easy to forget what was at the start of them by the time you get towards the end. I assume doing pictures and stuff takes ages as well.

But mainly there is the pressure. The pressure to not write something a million times shitter than the thing someone else did just before you is intense. I can actually feel it lowering my sperm count as I type.

Problems with this: Everything anyone has ever done is complete shit, and all anyone wants from a blog is to see new posts and to click on them and write swear words in the comments. People are basically rodents. At least when it comes to reading.

So for all these reasons and more, I'm pretty close to DECLARING A NEW AGE OF THIS BLOG which no one will listen to. It would involve MORE POSTS, and heaps of wars with other shit New Zealand blogs. And more contributors why not. Like actual retards. If all goes well it would be like kissing an Obama and realising he actually meant it. Like, fuck, he's actually going to marry me. I can finally have nice things.

Problems with this: You end up talking about things that you saw on other sites, doing posts about posts about posts, except shitter than other people who do that, because they're better than you. This leaves you in the humiliating position of being part of the 'blogosphere', which is people who fuck dogs.



P Wolf said...

talk about pressure to post, phew. that on top of a part time job = stress related dandruff.

as for a "new era", dont just sing it...

Anonymous said...

wtf... don't give accounts to retards... I'm saying this because I know that you know a lot of dicks

scaredofbabies said...

Only one, apparently.

P Wolf said...

man that was a snappy comeback S.O.B. pity you cant change the time stamp to 6.24 PM.

Having said that, that's a funny comment by anon.

class all round.

dr.roparty said...

yeah, i'm down with more members, i been saying that for ages.

according to some blog study i read, 70%ish of blogs refer to other blogs anyway, admin can always kick out fuknuts too...

Anonymous said...

give accounts to the staff at MBC. those guys need a voice

Admin said...

Everyone seems to have grabbed hold of the accounts idea. That was a throw-away- and personally I really just want to get various famous camwhores posting in my stead. In my stead? Yeah.

As for the new dawn in general? Well 60 odd hours and no posts. So WTF? I don't know. I guess I suck.

Admin said...

Everyone seems to have grabbed hold of the accounts idea. That was a throw-away- and personally I really just want to get various famous camwhores posting in my stead. In my stead? Yeah.

As for the new dawn in general? Well 60 odd hours and no posts. So WTF? I don't know. I guess I suck.

Anonymous said...

why'd you post twice Admin... not know how to use the internets? finger cramp from excessive boxxy fapping?

Admin said...

no problem is the whole google being a bitch thing that i've been going on about. posting comments takes 100000 clicks and refreshes.

Anonymous said...

wtf... you're obviously a moron... google... jesus... you are naive... do you not understand the internets or something... who made you admin?

Anonymous said...

@p wolf... that snappy enough for ya?

Anonymous said...

also, where they cook their bread is always gonna show hot on the thermal

Anonymous said...

wtf? does that mean carcetti is in Gen Kill? does he bury anyone with his mind?

Anonymous said...

he's burying you right now... and you don't even know it.