
sorry, community

I was gonna drop a fresh post on yall bitches, but now find it necessary to defend myself against cruel metaphors, from the boss of the internet.

Its like when your mum asks you to do the dishes (that you totally were fucking gonna do, after your nap). It fucks it all up. Now you gotta act like: "fuck that, I'll wash that shit when i wanna mamma" just so you look like a adult man in front of your son and his girlfriend.

you guys know what I mean? Yeah!

I guess I'm trying to say that I have been sleeping a lot over the holiday period and also listing A LOT of shit on trademe. But like I said, big post on the way...huge post...lid blown off scandal type shit. involving blood bank(s?) and fraudulent surveys etc.



scaredofbabies said...

Your mum is Lt. Daniel's old missus?

Also I don't think the metaphors were directed at our talented warbloggers.

I was mainly thinking of my post on Kindom Hearts, which is almost certainly the weakest thing anyone has ever posted on the internet.

I am also actually the boss of the fucking internet though.

Also I found out recently that the going rate for powerblogging is US$5.00-$7.50 for a thousand clicks on your post.

So anyone who gets that, gets paid.

Anonymous said...

are you black... no... are you muslin... no... do you ride a white unicorn... in the nude?

Let's face it you're just not qualified to be the boss of anything.

Anonymous said...

muslin? isn't that a type of fabric? dicktard

Anonymous said...

@anon... you fucken troll... you're fully aware that the appropriate spelling of "muslim" on the internets is in fact "muslin"... fuck off nigger

P Wolf said...

im qualified to punch your mum in the balls.

and i actually am part muslim/muslin
thanks a lot.
allah to the akbah woot woot