
Final Thing on This Thing

I promise that this will be the last post that has anything to do with section ninetysomething of the NZ wikipedia thing; if you want to read about shit like that then go to slashdot or whatever. We're meant to be all about pancakes and things that pwolf can kind of make out in trees.

Also these blackout protesters are, I assume, tiresome reasonable types who believe that the problem lies with the specific fuckedupness of this particular law, rather than with the whole idea of intellectual property, the crushing dowdiness of content-as-a-career, and the embarrassing and needy conceit of 'authorship'.

Anyway my point is why is Peter Dunne (I got him confused with Michael Cullen... because I don't watch TV) out on the steps of parliament bragging about how he blacked out his myspace blingies?

Because I'm pretty sure HE VOTED FOR THE FUCKING THING. More than once. Probably one hundred times. He probably votes for it in his sleep every night. He's probably voting for it right now.

So what the fuck? I guess it's just nice not to be ignored.

[It's also nice not to look like a fucking idiot. The original version of this post had no facts right at all.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why couldn't it of just gone through? i don't like how the people protesting it think they're the ones who are stopping this. why can't we just live under a dictatorship like proper countries do?