
Intergalactic DRM: Solar Storms and the Reckoning to Come


In 1859 there was a solar storm so tough that telegraph wires burst into flames. The exact same thing is going to happen again in 2012, which, if you are a crazy person, will seem awfully convenient. The sun is constantly owning us - busting up our RAIDs, tiring out our sheep, and generally entropying our shit up.

And while the flaming telegraph thing is probably something to do with how stupidly long those wires were... you know... maths... scientists still recommend that you should start wrapping your ipod in pink bats sometime around 2011.

Do you need to wrap all your electronic devices? Well, only the ones you want to keep.

What does this have to do with copyright, the internet blackout, and Judith Tizzard? YOUR TORRENTS WILL ALL BE BURNT UP BY THE FUCKING SUN.

Then, thankfully, we can all return to happily paying out the ass for mechanical reproductions of mainstream dross produced by a crowd of ageing industry insiders. And Chloe Smith will be able to pay off her car or whatever. The End.

[Yeah I know stuff from our sun isn't so much 'intergalactic'. I'm really sorry.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
