


Was hunting for images on flickr, for some sort of 'dad's business' related super post. Got distracted by some pics taken by the world's nosiest clown.

Then I found this photo of these two drunk little people being forced to make out. I guess for as long as they can't vote we can keep getting away with this sort of shit. But I still think we should tone it down - I don't look forward to the day when all these drunk little crackers get organised.


Anonymous said...

i wonder if they met on an online dating site...all tha lil ppl r doin dat theze days....they usually result in incidents lyk these...itz all abowt overdosing on vicks and orange flavoured cough mixture.

Anonymous said...

There's so much wrongness with this post, I believe I can now use the term "flabbergasted" for the first time in context. I am flabbergasted.

P Wolf said...

i can understand the gast, but flabbered? you cant take shit like that back.

but we should prolly watch out that pedos dont think this is some sort of pedo site. i mean this blog consists mostly of pictures of men with no tops on and reviews about baby farming movies... you do the math.

Admin said...

Look you can't argue with our recent Analytics numbers.

We're onto a winning blogula (like a formula, but for blogs).

By the way, if you like these pictures of babies and mythical beasts and such, then you will DEFINITELY enjoy listening to the word verification captcha.

Give it a try.

Anonymous said...

word verification captcha is fucking freaky, i cannot understand it mainly coz im scared.

P Wolf said...

i know what a blogula is, you didnt have to explain it.