
PredjuCast: English people.


It's something of a New Zealand tradition to go to London for a year or two and claim that it's awesome. Upon returning you can then work yourself back into whatever small-town rut you interrupted secure in the knowledge that you've seen everything that could ever be seen ever. It's a good plan, but I question the destination.

The reason I question it is that England is incredibly shit. Not because of the crap weather, or the bland scenery, but because it is full of English people. English people pretty much all suck. The fact that you watched some clever 30 year old BBC comedy once doesn't change that. That every now and then they wheel out one of the three or four people in the whole country who can string a coherent sentence together (and do so without running off halfway through to elbow some girl in the face over the queue for bacon butties) and get them to do a 10 minute lecture on evolution or something doesn't change it either. They're still jerks.

Other fundamental failings, besides being English, include: their liking sports so much, their shit food, and their bizarre obsession with buying up Spain. The most completely fail amongst them get singled out with stupid English-type putdowns like 'chav' and 'scally', and are mocked as themes for dress-up parties and characters for weakly written Channel4 comedies. This is all a clever ruse to disguise the fact that these people are 95% of the population. The other 5% service and install CCTV cameras.


Anonymous said...

Hows abouts the mighty pound? Huh?

Admin said...

*blank uncomprehending stare*

Anonymous said...

the unit of measurement for how much booze and hookers you can afford

P Wolf said...

shit, is there a topic that this blog is scared to cover? i fucking doubt it.

Anonymous said...


scaredofbabies said...

Yeah that is the best thing to happen there ever. I've been ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWERing all damn day.

Anonymous said...

Possibly the finest piece of journalism I have ever read. You should try working for the fuckers.