
Accuracy in Reporting

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I'm just going to stop this totally unwarranted assault on a proud New Zealand BEARDFACE principal right here. First off, I'm calling out P Wolf's self-hating crypto-racism as exactly that: John Rodgers spent upwards of nineeleven billion dollars on positive badges, and also fruit for lunches, and I think that if he wanted he should have been allowed (no, forced) to spend twice that amount every god damn day.

He also had the vision to know that Marlborough Boys' College might as well stop teaching math and english and book-shit like that and be turned into a restaurant training facility of some sort. The seven people to move from the school into work all did so by holding up a restaurant and using the stolen food to barter their way down to Christchurch and into some loosely organised team of mad-maxesque prostitutes.

But seriously imagine being put in charge of whatever parole-jumping sex offenders (with 220 'points' in "teachin+etc /22334") washed up on the field every few years. Just keeping them from beating the kids and doing one another's wives appeared to be a seven-times-full-time job. As for teaching... add in the fact that every single student was a functional illiterate meth baby from some failing farm in a nearby valley and well... badges are the least of your worries.

However he does seem more than a little confused about what video is:

Principal John Rodgers dismissed the video as nothing more than a "trivial piece of graffiti on a wall in town"


P Wolf said...

god damn it, he fiddled you so badly that you see him as some sort of father/lover figure. that bastard

Anonymous said...

this blog sux

Anonymous said...

NA-AH. this blog fuckin rulzzzz.

scaredofbabies said...

I agree with my sock puppet.

scaredofbabies said...

(That this blog both sux and rules. They're both me. ALL the comments are me.)

Anonymous said...

except this one. and this blog sucks. all your blogs are shit.

Anonymous said...

anonymous: you can't troll a troller

scaredofbabies said...


Clearly he can. I consider myself not so much trolled as really fucking upset.