
Wither The Interogation Point. Welcome the Interrobang.

While we're waiting for our crowdsourced blog-theme to emerge, it seems totally awesome to talk about the interrogation point, eroteme, or - for those of you who learnt talkin and writin and word lookin and what not from some dreary New Zealand highschool, slathered with mushed up pies and bark covered apples and run by degenerates who probably couldn't get a table at a mid priced family restaurant, because they are so poorly dressed and obviously drunk - the "question mark".

It's the thing that goes at the end of every single sentence you say, because you are all hillbillies with whiney Kiwi white-trash accents. Also, people with ninehundredandeleven girlfriends know it as unicode U+003F and U+FF1F, as a nullable data type handler, or as sort of zero except when something else happens. Whatever.

But anyway, fuck all of that. Because a new challenger has appeared. The interrobang (U+203D).

That's all really. What? Interrobang.






Anonymous said...

wow, you're pretty elite there dude (can you furnish this sentence with an arcane punctuation mark that properly expresses my proletarian disdain?)

P Wolf said...

fuck you rodgers, you wear a badge that says 'I support maori success'. no shit, he actually does. dammit i should post about that.

any ways thanks for alerting me to the existance of a new peice of punctuation, cos im sooo fucken good at using the other 9 million,./?"':;}]{[+=<>!!!!

scaredofbabies said...


You always had a pretty sharp suit and seemed more or less sober. That only served to accentuate every other member of staff's "I've been lying on the floor of my house for six weeks drinking cough syrup and wondering when my wife is coming back" look.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's worse - wearing a badge, or supporting maori success.