
Year Continues, Frustrating Many


Apparently there is no better way to celebrate the extremely relevant and important ownage of christ by the jews than for crazy Blenheim girls to wear weird boots and parade around dressed as Link. I'm going to assume that this happens every year, and make sure that I don't miss it this time around. There has to be some sort of consolation for those who bothered enduring this fail-laden year.

Update: Some looser has brought it to my attention that Easter is about the ownage, with Christmas more focused on the whole spawning angle. I believe the whole thing, like all birthings, went something like this:

Untitled iSight Image.jpg


Anonymous said...

im pretty sure mary has blue eyes and she probly wasnt smiling....

Anonymous said...

i heard that he just slid out of her, like a discharge.

Anonymous said...


Admin said...

she's smiling because it's jesus silly.

Anonymous said...

looking at the parade photos,not one small child is smiling in blen-whereverthefuckitis. just saying

Admin said...

who are you, person who doesn't know Blenheim?