
2008 Makes Out With Own 1st Cousin. Blames 'Recession, Lighting'.

person holding sign 8.gif

2008 was over quicker than it even began. And like every other hugely popular thing it's time for HAB4U to look back on a year and tell you the things that were good and the things that were not good at all. The only thing I remember about the last year was following US politics a lot but not really caring about it that much. Now that it's all black over there I suggest paying heaps and heaps of attention to your local council politics instead. In fact maybe that will be the ANEWBLOG.

So anyway, you'll hear a lot of people saying ignorant shit like "it's just another day really" when talking about the New Years. They so often chuck the 'really' on because deep down they know that they're definitely wrong. As well as it being justabit of a big fucking deal to God to see his planet go round the universe again, perfectly as always, this particular round also signals the following key shifts:

2008 2009
Listening to music Don't. It sucks
Marine life Minerals that can 'think'
Quitting smoking HAW HAW HAW
Bacon Recession Bacon
Crying in the shower Crying in the bath
Computers Child slaves
Reading that book Acting like you might of
Secret Herbs and Spices Obvious Herbs and Spices
Rape-based humour Actual humour
Theses Thesez
Sisters Mothers

But apart from that everything else will be pretty much exactly the same. Except for the things which have their own tragic momentum and which you thought you might be able to stop - binge-peppering, replying to those texts from vodafone telling you you're nearly out of credit - those things will just get way worse.

I know there are exceptions, but it's true for most people most years. So it's definitely probably true for you right now.


Anonymous said...

yeah 2008... well shit... at least I didn't get rejected by a chick 7 years older than me that year... HOOKERS!

scaredofbabies said...

they're not hilarious if it's because you got shot down/

Anonymous said...

yeah... you're right... but bear in mind that pretty much everything is hilarious when you're blind drunk

Anonymous said...

Where are the new blogs at, what are you all doing.... working or something, I need something to entertain me in my lunchbreaks, more "Power poems" they inspire me, and heated discussions about general filth.

2008 - A few blogs here and there
2009 - fricken nothing

Please HAB4U come back.

Anonymous said...

shit... I thought I was the only one with a job who read this blog... lack of posts related to the recession perhaps?

P Wolf said...

fuck ive got an excuse re: my stool.

Anonymous said...

They take away your stool and replace it with tar in times of recession