
Do black people have whiter teeth?

Once upon a time in Hong Kong, there was a brand of toothpaste called, "Darkie". To top it all off, their logo featured a picture of a minstrel. I guess they realized in the 90's that it was a bad idea to keep the name "Darkie", so they changed it to "Darlie".

The brand name in Chinese still translates to, "Black Man Toothpaste".


Anonymous said...

answerer 2 is on the right track, he needs a link to this post!

Anonymous said...

i mean answerer 3

Anonymous said...

if racism is any guide, then yes. yes they do.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I saw this somewhere else... original content only please.

Anonymous said...

@ "original content only please"


Anonymous said...


well, original may be asking a bit much you're right... but copypasta from another blog... sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Anonymous said...

Did you mean this?

souvenir kattunge said...

That's my blog. Nothing wrong with copying myself.

scaredofbabies said...

Infinite loops. That's how things start knowing that they're things.

Except actually it isn't.

Master Scoundrel said...

@scared of...

Is that a GEB reference? If so lolwutmaybetargetaudiencebejesus!