
Linux Will Probably Never Be Awesome


Linux is a family of free operating systems for people who think that compiling their own programs, downloading 1000 packages just to get an MP3 to play, and manually editing some configuration file every time they want to stick something in a USB port is a worthwhile thing to do with their time.

AMAZINGLY this isn't very popular (obvious nerd qualifications - I'm talking home users, I'm talking desktop computers).

This bewilders Linux aficionados (check the comments on this), who think that as long as something is free, has an unimaginative desktop environment slapped on top of it, and is quite often a total prick to use, that it should obviously be popular.

By the Linux community's logic, it is a wonder that people don't line up in the rain to get free soggy week old waffles with an iPhone interface drawn on in permanent marker.

All that aside though, I'm a complete masochist with a spare old computer that can barely run anything these days anyway. So occasionally I dive in to the stale waffle dumpster to see if I can find myself something useful... like a good full screen media browser (the answer is no. unless I want to compile it myself).

Anyway, while what actually winds me up is the complete lack of innovation (the stodgy Adobe and MS Office clones...), particularly in terms of usability (KDE and GNOME are basically XP), the fundamental problem with Linux is this guy:

Picture 3(2).png


Anonymous said...

where did you get picture from why do I find her so attractive despite the fact that she is quite clearly objectively not... and a linux fangirl

P Wolf said...

im never bringing my kids back here again.

Anonymous said...

try myth tv assclown , its a great full screen media browser and even comes idiot proof in distros like mythbuntu for tool boxes like you

scaredofbabies said...

There's no mythbuntu for PPC.

That I've been able to find.

If there is put the link up.

And if the screen resolution works (it hasn't for the eMac on any Debain/ *buntu distro I've tried so far) then I will retract this post.