
Scott Watch: Celebrity Trees.

I haven't actually seen this movie, but I saw the cover when I was browsing for Spiderman 3 one time. Its looks pretty sweet. I think a chick turns into a birch and then looses custody of her son. The rest of the movie is her fighting for the right not to be picnicked under, which is hard cos no standard court can fit her inside.

Anyway, you can imagine my shock when I notice that the bitch moved into the neighbourhood.



Anonymous said...

stink for you, she's such a birch!

P Wolf said...

at this point ill take any comment.

Anonymous said...

thats not a birch you know. whats with all the lies? its you young ones. and your music!

P Wolf said...

birch: member of the radiata genus, identified by its strong odour and cycodian leaf structure.

i know what im talking about.k?