
Watch this...

So you like Red Dwarf.

Did you not realise that it's British? And lame?

If you are hankering for some kind of sci-fi-spaceship-roaming-the-universe-type-sit-com then you should probably watch Lexx. Pros: It features a delightful half-worm women who wants to fuck a dead guy, and in one episode a hologram of Tim Curry tries to impregnate everyone with a machine. Cons: No drinking murder police style. Torrent here.


scaredofbabies said...

Yeah I don't really like Red Dwarf.

My mum sure does though.

Anonymous said...

And fuck why is Tizard touching that charity computer?

Doesn't she know it's for the 3rd world hax0000R$?

Also, knowing her, she'd want to pay Negroponte for his crazy sell-out laptop every time it gets looked at by someone. For ever. And then cut off his internet.

Anonymous said...

Is the country that she is president of not 3rd world... and chock to the brim with hax0000R$ foaming at the mouth with the thought of your delicious wi-fi?

I'm confused.