
My Alter: Burying prisonbreakbabe

While spying on myself recently I came across this king of a man. He uses a username that I have used in the past, and I have to assume that we have the same actual name. I also have to assume that he has a lot to teach me about being awesome. For one thing it seems that he is totally putting away prisonbreakbabe@hotmail.com, every day, over the internet. I've added her to my msn in the hope that I can do likewise.

Things about him that put me to shame:

His ability to both own and drive a car

His much greater tolerance for pain and stuff he can't read.

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Other things that I learnt about robbomc:

He's clean, but likes to get drunk.

He hate reading it is boring for sad cunts

Also the meaning of life is have fun and dont take life to seriuos you int a live forever and get rich or die trying.


dr.roparty said...

tall,slim,spikey hair and fun

i think i need a motto as well...

scaredofbabies said...

robomc, as in me:
short, blurry, and also increasingly blurry.

Anonymous said...


medium sized, recent hair cut, thinking about selling a van.

P Wolf said...

taller than his mum,owns his own shorts, Pirates of the Carribean.

Anonymous said...

tall squabbler, french press, toast for bagels ONO.

Anonymous said...

teetotaling prude, persistent, knows a lot of things about a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

cap and trade, dog walker, walker texas ranger.